View the degrees of solar radiation (GHI) at various coordinates in Massachusetts. Move the time slider to see GHI over time during the year of 2015! This visualization can be used to predict the best location of solar panels and perhaps outline some geographic boundaries of Massachusetts.
Categorizing Science Articles with Natural Language Processing (NLP)
This visualization shows how k-means clustering classifies various science articles. The real category scraped from the actual website is shows as well to compare. Take a look at the Jupyter notebook to see more about the text precessing and the ML model training that was involved.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis to Predict Airline Reputation
In this visualization, I use classic twitter sentiment analysis (a naive bayes model trained on airline tweet training data) to plot negative tweets over time. Large spikes in negative tweets correlates to a disastrous event that ruined an airline's reputation, for example a forced removal from the aircraft.
More Coming Soon ...
Check back later for more visualizations! Contact me at if you have any ideas.